Halloween 2018 Home Tour: My Kitchen, Bathroom & Hall


Welcome to Halloween 2018 home tour week on Spooky Little Halloween! I'm in my fourth Halloween season running the blog, and each year I've given you guys a peek inside the Spooky Little Apartment to see how I decorate for October.

All October posts are part of the Countdown to Halloween!

My style (and apartment!) have definitely evolved over the years. In case you’re interested, here are some posts of my kitchen, bathroom and hall from past years:

Today we’re diving into these three areas, and I’ll share peeks at how I’ve decorated for Halloween 2018. AND at the end of this post, I’ll share how YOU can submit your home decor photos to be featured on Spooky Little Halloween next Tuesday, October 16!

For now…onto the first home tour of Halloween 2018!


Halloween 2018 Home Tour: My Kitchen, Bathroom & Hall

As a reminder, all photos are the property of Spooky Little Halloween and cannot be used elsewhere without permission. See my disclaimer page for more information. Want to use a photo? Email me.



Here is how I’ve decorated the hall in my apartment this year:

Last year I went vertical with my decor and loved how it looked. This year as I was choosing items to hang in my living room and bedroom, I thought they’d look cool in the hallway too. The white lights stay in the hall year-round, but I love the witch hat, paper fans and tissue balls for a bit of Halloween fun.

Years ago I bought several Martha Stewart vinyl cling packs on clearance, and they are one of my favorite things to decorate with! This year, I added some of the spiders and webs to the signed concert posters that hang in my hallway.


I didn’t do much to change up my bathroom this year, and if I’m honest…I’m a little bored with it. Next year, this space gets reimagined.

Two things I do still like: my black rose bouquet (which is usually a sunshiney bunch of yellow flowers) and my tombstone string lights.

My vinyl clings decorating also graced my bathroom. Don’t quit your daydreams, even if they seem batty!


I put out some of my Halloween bath bombs I’ve bought over the past year so I actually remember to use them! I’m also usually not a huge fan of foam soap at Bath & Body Works, but I love how the Trick or Treat one smells.

My lights sure are pretty at night!


This is a string of candy corn lights (orange and yellow), and I love the glow it gives my entire kitchen at night.


I added a few vinyl clings to this window, and my extra kitchen table chair was begging for a cute throw pillow.



Lots of spooky magnets on my freezer door!


I picked up this cereamic pumpkin last summer at a flea market in Wisconsin. I keep meaning to plant something inside of him, but for now he gets a place of honor…on top of the fridge.


The top of my pantry. (I’m obsessed with that little pumpkin on the bag from Kroger.)


Where I spend most of my time in the kitchen since I’m the dishwasher. Ah, the joys of a nearly 100-year-old building, right?


Since I wash a lot of dishes, drying mats have been a lifesaver. I was thrilled to find a candy corn one at Ross a few years ago and love the candy corn-colored wash cloth my mom made for me.


Skeleton lights at night!


Just for the record…that skull is full of chocolate. :)



My kitchen table!


Usually these frames hold “Gilmore Girls” prints I made, but at Halloween I replace them with two prints I made and two I found on Pinterest.


I like using this tray for my Halloween decor because I can quickly push it to one side when it’s meal time or I need more space.


We can enjoy a few Halloween spirits! I had the planchette from my mom’s Ouija board here, but Friday night I bought this one from The Glass Coffin at the Thorn and Moon Magickal Market and knew just the place to put it!


My brother and sister-in-law gave me a set of these wine glasses for my birthday this year, and I love how the candy corn looks inside!


That candy corn is all rock hard, by the way. I have a gallon-sized bag I hang on to and use exclusively for decor every year.


And finally, my coffee bar! It’s still a bit of a work in progress, and I’ll be sharing more tomorrow. For now, here’s a quick peek.



One of my favorite purchases this year! The mug came from Kroger.



Want your Halloween home featured on Spooky Little Halloween?

Next Tuesday, October 16 I’ll share YOUR Halloween home tour photos on the blog! Want to be considered? Head to this form to submit your information.

And if you want a hint as to what catches my eye, here are a few things I’ll be keeping a look out for:

  • Unique, eye-catching displays
  • Themed decor
  • DIY decor
  • Decor with great stories behind it (like how you incorporated a family heirloom into your decor)

I can’t wait to see what you guys share and can’t wait to feature some of you on the blog!


Happy haunting,


Miranda | Spooky Little Halloween

Miranda is the Houston-based writer, blogger and Halloween lover behind Spooky Little Halloween, the blog celebrating October 31st all year long. She is addicted to pumpkin guts, witches’ brews, skulls and all things spooky and celebrates her favorite day of the year with her annual party, Halloweenie Roast, each October.